Best NBA Betting Sites in Maryland May 2024

The NBA has never been more popular, and NBA betting sites are part of a growing trend along with other sports betting in Maryland

Maryland NBA betting sites online are riding a wave of popularity as basketball makes a global impact with an extraordinary TV deal that allows a multitude of live-streaming options for its billions of worldwide fans. Individual star power, contenders in major markets, and a slew of young talent have created the perfect blend—there's something for every kind of NBA bettor.

Top Maryland NBA Online Sportsbooks

🏀 BetMGM Maryland Sportsbook:Best for New NBA Bettors
🏀 Caesars Maryland Sportsbook:Best NBA Betting Rewards
🏀 DraftKings Maryland Sportsbook:Best for NBA Promos & Bonuses
🏀 FanDuel Maryland Sportsbook:Easiest NBA Betting Site to Use
🏀 Fanatics Maryland Sportsbook:Best NBA Odds & Lines
🏀 BetRivers Maryland Sportsbook:NBA Betting Site with Best Customer Support
🏀 ESPN BET Maryland Sportsbook:Best New NBA Betting Site
Last Verified:May 7, 2024

The continued legalization of online sports betting across the country has helped NBA popularity nationwide. NBA betting is a very intriguing option at Maryland betting apps. 

But figuring out where to bet, what to bet on, and how to maximize your experience isn't as easy as clicking a few buttons. The good news is, we have you covered. We're here to help you discover what to look for in the best NBA online betting sites, the best strategies to help you rack up the most wins, and we answer all your burning questions to make sure you're ready to bet when Maryland launches its online gambling sites.

Is Betting On NBA Games Legal in Maryland?

Betting on NBA games is legal in Maryland. Governor Larry Hogan signed legislation to legalize sports betting.

What to Look for When Choosing an NBA Betting Site in Maryland

As the number of NBA betting sites increases, so do the perks, bonuses, and potential payouts they offer for online gambling. The best NBA betting sites online are the ones that fulfill exactly what you're looking for, whether that's competitive local odds, additional bonus bets, odds boosts or unique markets.

Our favorite NBA betting sites have a variety of different odds that include player and team props, bonus bets or odds boosts on specific markets like nationally-televised games, playoffs, and other big matchups. 

The best NBA betting websites should also have a clean interface that's both easy to navigate and quick-to-populate bet slips such as the Maryland FanDuel online sportsbook.

Types of NBA Bets Allowed in Maryland

There are thousands of different wagers a bettor can make at the best NBA betting sites. The possibilities are endless for a sport with so many different statistical categories, so many individual awards and a postseason that lasts more than two months. The most popular betting options are the traditional point spread, point total, and moneyline - as well as the live options for those same bets.

Any reliable NBA betting site will have those standard odds, but the best sites also offer a variety of less popular options like player and game props, tournaments and contests, sign-up bonuses, and other year-round perks. Even NBA odds on events like the NBA Draft, NBA Summer League, and NBA free agency are available. NBA basketball has become a 12-month league, and our recommended NBA betting sites offer odds no matter the time of year.

NBA Betting Sites Lines & Odds in Maryland

The most popular NBA betting sites will also feature similar NBA odds markets. Even comparing the NBA odds from Fanatics MD and Maryland TwinSpires you are bound to find similarities. 

The best NBA betting sites differentiate themselves in the variety of odds they offer. Online betting options should include betting lines for player or team props on a specific game, odds boosts or bonu bets to maximize potential winnings, sign-up bonuses and free-to-play contests. Don't stop at the basics when looking at what an NBA betting app offers in terms of lines and odds.

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Bonuses & Rewards at Maryland NBA Betting Sites

All NBA betting sites will feature bonuses and rewards. While they come in all shapes and sizes, sign-up bonuses, odds boosts, rewards in the form of bonus bets, or contests/tournaments have become a standard feature at NBA sportsbooks online. 

The first perk that bettors can take advantage of for mobile NBA betting is a sign-up bonus, which typically comes in the form of a match on a bettor's initial deposit with a Maryland sportsbook promo code that requires a one-time playthrough, or a bonus bet that is returned in the form of bonus bet stakes if a bettor loses his or her first wager at the sportsbook.

But the perks are just beginning at sign-up at any good betting site. The best NBA betting sites routinely will showcase and promote odds boosts, which allows bettors higher potential payouts. Bettors can rack up points based on the types of bets and the amount of money they wager that can be turned into bonus bets.

Free-to-enter contests and tournaments (along with daily fantasy sports) are offered at some of our favorite mobile NBA betting apps in Maryland.

User Interface at NBA Betting Sites in MD

The best sign-up bonuses and lucrative odds boosts mean very little if you aren't enjoying yourself when you bet on the NBA or when you bet on the NHL. It's why the user interface is such an important factor to consider at a top NBA betting site. Something as minuscule as the color scheme or font that a sports betting site uses can, over time, hinder your NBA online betting experience. At the same time, a visually appealing website and mobile app can have a positive effect that enhances your online NBA betting experience and makes you want to spend more time on the website.

But basketball betting sites must have more than simply an app that looks nice. A clean, functional interface can have a significant impact when you bet on the NBA.

The top NBA betting sites have bet slips that populate effectively and quickly and have easy-to-read NBA odds for MD online gambling aficionados to use when they comb through betting markets. There are also smaller yet critical parts for NBA online sportsbooks to execute: Easily accessible account information, letting bettors know their balance and the bonuses/rewards available, plus responsible gaming and customer support links.

Banking at NBA Betting Sites in Maryland

There are a host of reasons why using a legally licensed gambling site is preferred, and the deposit and withdrawal system is near the top of the list. Bettors should not take the simplicity and security of banking for granted. That is something sports bettors should look for when they consider signing up.

Bettors will have myriad deposit and withdrawal options, including online banking, PayPal, debit and credit cards, and eChecks. Deposits are often made available immediately, and withdrawn funds are available within a few days.

Legally licensed NBA basketball betting sites also use encryption software to protect customer's personal and financial data.

Customer Support at Maryland NBA Betting Sites

The best NBA online betting sites have just about perfected the user experience. But some problems inevitably will arise, which is why it's important to consider the customer service function of the NBA online betting site you're using. The top online basketball betting sites in MD all have established customer service representatives who can help with any issues users may have.

Different NBA betting sites provide different customer service options, including live chat like BetRivers Maryland, phone number, online form submission, email, and social media direct messaging. In our experience, nothing beats the live chat function in which problems and issues are taken care of in real-time instead of having to wait for a response. Every NBA online betting site has good customer service, but make sure you know what yours offers.

Maryland NBA Betting Apps

NBA online betting apps continue to gain relevance as users become more mobile-heavy. There are two specific factors for folks to look at when they get in on NBA betting action: Consistency and response time. The user interface is critical to the betting experience, and the best apps that we review are the ones that look and feel like their desktop counterpart, from the color scheme all the way down to the bet slips.

Response time is also important as odds are continually changing based on injury updates and in-game action. It's important that the mobile app has an accurate geolocator so you're able to place bets with ease and bet slips must populate quickly and seamlessly for bettors to use on their smaller screens. Most top NBA betting apps have perfected their mobile apps, so picking the best Maryland sportsbook app for NBA betting will ultimately be your choice.

How to Bet on the NBA Online in Maryland?

There really is no substitute for online NBA betting. Whereas a physical sportsbook locks you into one set of odds, bettors can jump around to different online sportsbooks to shop odds and find the best NBA props and bonuses related to the NBA betting markets they're interested in betting. There's no waiting in line when live odds could change and no physical bet slips to keep track of like there would be at a physical sportsbook.

Betting on an NBA game is easier at online NBA betting sites but registering and logging in is the same. Users will need to verify their age by providing their name, address, and last four digits of their Social Security number, and they'll need to activate geolocation software to prove they are in Maryland when betting.

  • Moneyline A moneyline bet is as straightforward as it gets for NBA bettors. It is simply a bet on which team will win the game. Every NBA game has a favorite, given minus odds. For example, if the Washington Wizards are -250 favorites, a bettor would need to wager $250 to win $100. An underdog is given plus odds - for example, if the Los Angeles Lakers were +200, a $100 bet would yield $200 in winnings.
  • Live Betting Live betting follows the same principles at NBA basketball betting sites. There are regular point spread, total, and moneyline bets, with the only difference being that with live betting, the wagers happen in real time during an event. These live betting odds are constantly changing, so bettors will need to act quickly to take advantage at rated NBA betting sites. Live betting is available from opening tipoff until just before the final buzzer. These live betting options are another advantage of an online sportsbook vs. a physical location.
  • Parlays Parlays allow bettors to combine two or more single bets into one bet with a higher payout, though every leg of the parlay must be successful or the parlay loses. For example, if a bettor at an online sportsbook combined moneylines on the Washington Wizards (+200), Los Angeles Lakers (-300) and Chicago Bulls (-120) into a three-team parlay, he or she would get +633 odds, meaning a $633 payout on a $100 bet if all three teams were victorious. But if one team loses, the whole parlay loses.
  • Betting the Spread Oddsmakers determine a spread for every game that essentially evens the playing field between two teams for NBA wagers. Each point spread bet at any online sportsbook features a favorite and an underdog, with the favorite having points taken from its final total and the underdog having points added to its final total. For example, if the Washington Wizards are 3.5-point favorites, they would cover the spread if they win by four or more points. If the Wizards are 8.5-point underdogs, they would cover the spread if they won the game outright or lost by fewer than nine points.
  • Totals Betting Betting totals have become an incredibly popular form of NBA betting online thanks to the rising in scoring around the league. The concept is simple: Oddsmakers set a point total for every game, and bettors wager on whether the combined scores of the two teams will be over or under that set total. The same goes for player props in specific statistical categories.
  • Futures Futures bets have always one of the most popular NBA props. Throughout the year - and at times in the offseason - bettors can place futures wagers on the NBA championship, conference champions or individual award winners like MVP, Rookie of the Year, or Defensive Player of the Year. These odds are constantly changing throughout the year and different sportsbooks have different odds, so shopping futures odds on your betting account is always recommended when you are betting on the NBA.
  • Prop Bets NBA games feature hundreds of individual and team prop bets. Among them include over-unders on individual stats, whether a player will or will not record a triple-double, or which player will score the game's first basket. Team props can include the number of 3-pointers a team will make or which of the two teams will get to 10 points first. Odds shopping when you're betting online is critical here, too.

Most Popular NBA Events to Bet On

You could place a different bet every day during the season at NBA sportsbooks online and not repeat yourself. There are hundreds of NBA betting markets within a single game, and that's before considering individual and team NBA prop bets. Here we'll focus on the most traditional and popular markets a bettor could make when betting on the NBA.

Betting on the NBA Playoffs & Finals in Maryland

There’s much more strategy to consider when betting the postseason, all the way up to the NBA championship. Bettors must consider homecourt advantage, postseason experience and what the score of the series is at the time of a bet. The same goes for the NBA Finals, when possessions typically shrink, rotations shorten, and star players have the ball in their hands more than in the regular season. Trends are incredibly important to consider in the NBA postseason.

NBA Betting Schedule: When Does NBA Season Start & End?

The NBA regular season typically begins in late October and runs through the middle of April. The postseason lasts more than two months with four best-of-seven playoff series in each conference. The NBA Draft in June and Summer League in July typically have NBA props betting markets, too, making the league a 10-month season.

NBA Betting Strategy & Tips for MD Bettors

A proper sports betting strategy is critical to success, otherwise you're simply flipping a coin (with worse odds). Always use reputable online betting sites, read reviews on the best NBA betting sites, analyze up-to-date odds, and pick out the right strategy that works for you. Here are some of our favorite NBA betting tips:

Bankroll Management

Responsible sports betting means always knowing what your bankroll stands at when you go to place a bet. You might love a specific set of odds or might want to chase a bad loss with an even bigger bet, but the smarter play that this strategy uses is to only bet a small percentage of your bankroll with each bet.

Bet High Totals

Responsible sports betting means always knowing what your bankroll stands at when you go to place a bet. You might love a specific set of odds or might want to chase a bad loss with an even bigger bet, but the smarter play that this strategy uses is to only bet a small percentage of your bankroll with each bet.

Shop the Lines

One of our favorite strategies, different sportsbooks have different odds at times. It's important to always check multiple NBA betting sites rather than only choosing one best betting site and sticking to that. It could be the difference between getting the Wizards at +3.5 and getting them at +4.5, which means a whole lot if they lose by four points. While most spreads and totals will be similar at different betting sites, they won't always be exact, and you can take advantage with your real money bets.

Get Familiar with the Schedule

Not all games are created equal. In a league where teams travel to 29 different cities, knowing a team's schedule is critical to NBA betting success. Is a team on the end of a long West Coast road trip? Are they playing a third game in four nights against a team that has two nights' rest at home? Oddsmakers will take these factors into account most times, but it's still important to know where a team is within its schedule when placing a bet on the NBA.

Bet the Blowout System

The worst NBA team still has 13 of the world's best basketball players on it. While blowouts are becoming more common with the influx of offense, this theory posits that it's difficult for NBA teams to earn two blowout wins in a row. If a team has earned a massive victory the prior game and is a significant favorite their next trip out, you should bet against them.

Get Started Betting on NBA Betting at the Best MD Sportsbooks

NBA betting can feel overwhelming but knowing what to look for can help you get the hang of it quickly. Find a sportsbook that suits your betting wants and needs, understand NBA betting bonuses and rewards available to you, and shop around to find the most lucrative odds that maximize your potential payout. It may feel like a lot, but we've got you covered so that you're ready to roll once NBA betting online goes live in Maryland.

NBA Betting in Maryland FAQ


Mark Strotman writes about the NBA and sports betting for He is a veteran sports journalist who covered the Chicago Bulls and the NBA for NBC Sports Chicago for about 8 years. His work has also appeared on,, The Chicago Tribune, Yahoo Sports and NBC Sports.

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